Monday, March 10, 2014

Blogging in the Classroom

During this weeks assignment we were asked to look at several different web tools to use in the classroom. We were given a list and the list included the tool, the site address, and a description. I noticed that one of the tools that I use Edmodo I never really looked at this site as a blogging tool, but I guess it can be used as such. In that respect, I find blogging to be extremely useful in the classroom.

My students are required at least once a week to write a response to a math  question. Then respond to one of their classmate (something I learned in my online classes :). The one thing that I had to remind my students while responding was to use complete sentences and coherent thought. At first there was some resistance to this idea because they felt it wasn't an English class but math, so they just didn't understand. However in the end I explained that there can be quite a bit of writing in math and their ideas needed to be clearly explained. Watching this unfold, not only have I seen their writing improve, I have heard their speaking improve. When I first started teaching, I remember reading a book called "I Learn to Read and Write the Way I Learn to Talk: A Very First Book about Whole Language" by Marlene Barron. One thing I remember from the book is the thought a person will speak the way that they write, so I wondered if I could get my students to write correctly would they then speak that way. In this case it happened. Yes I do still find myself correcting certain word usage errors, however because of these assignment they think a lot more now before they speak.

So, blogging does work! Now I would be remiss to leave out the fact that blogging in the math classroom ties directly into our math practices, more specifically Math Practice #3 Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of others. In a math class this piece is crucial. This is the piece that gets students to question each other. They have to prove their answers or disprove someone else's answer using logic, reasoning, and proof. This also helps students when they are checking their answers as well.

One thing that I can say with certainty is that education is "Evolving!" As educators we must keep up!

Here are some links that you may find useful when incorporating blogging/technology into your classroom.

Using Blogs to Integrate Technology in the Classroom

To blog, or not to blog (in the classroom)

Technology in the Classroom: The Benefits of Blended Learning
 (I included this link because it really just brings it all into perspective)

So with that said..........

Monday, March 3, 2014

Agree to Terms and Continue!!!!

This week I have been spending a lot of time on the topic of AUPs, Acceptable Use Policies. I can honestly say that if I never see another AUP, it would be too soon. AUPs are policies that are designed by companies to govern the use of their servers and equipment. It's kind of funny to me how things have changed. I remember when my county first got computers and email addresses. We were in total control of our machines we could download great programs from the web and decide what we wanted to use. Here we are 16 years later and AUPs have been created along with the ability to limit how much control we actually have over our machines. Now you have to have an "Admin" password to do almost everything. Whereas this can be quite annoying at times, I do understand the need for such drastic changes.

So with that said.......... 

I present to you the importance of an 

Acceptable Use Policy/AUP!

Throughout my studies this week, I have found several reasons that an AUP is needed. A few include:
  • Provide safety and security for students and teachers
  • Provide guidelines for the usage of the school systems equipment
  • Provide guidelines for the usage of the school systems internet servers
  • Provide guidelines for appropriate behavior while on websites and internet servers.
With all that is occurring in the world today it is important that these policies are in place and thorough given the ramifications that could occur if something horrible was to happen. When we start talking about preparing children for a 21st Century society, we must take into account all that it entails. First up... AUPs! 

The following links will take you to explanations as to why an AUP is needed:

The following links will take you to information on Netiquette and it's importance.

I have included Netiquette on here as well because online manners is just as important as having manners and exercising common courtesy when online. 

How does all of this tie into Blogging within the classroom? Well before you can have a successful online experience, students must be well aware of the expectations and consequences for their actions. Just like we discuss proper audience behavior before we go on a field trip to a play, or proper dining etiquette before we go out to eat, or proper manners when we visit somewhere that deals with sensitive material, we must also have these same conversations with our students about technology. We can ill afford to overlook the importance of policy, procedure, expectations, as well as consequences. This should be the first step to beginning any online activity with any students!

On a side note, as adults when we use the free web services of establishments such as the library, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc. we must be more diligent in reading the AUP before we decide to "Agree to Terms and Continue!!!"

With that said........ Enjoy the RIDE!!!!

This is A LOT of WORK!!!!

Okay, So I really wanted to post more often, but I am coming to find that life gets in the way of blogging. Thanks to this new knowledge I have a new found respect for bloggers. I remember being told by the awesome lady at the knitting shop, that "Blogging is a LIFESTYLE!" Well, ma'm you are absolutely correct!

With that said............Enjoy the RIDE!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Frayer Model

Here is a picture of a Frayer Model.

I am not sure how the links would work but I would love to figure it out.

With that said... Enjoy the RIDE!!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Real Frustration


So I have chosen to blog about my experience setting up this blog. Now, I decided that this seemed quite simple, however as we have been discussing, nothing with technology is simple. I got through creating the blog okay, I was even able to create my first post. I located my group members blogs and just knew that I was home free. Well then came the RSS Feed. That's when it all just went so wrong. I have learned that I am a very literal person when it comes to directions. I am looking for the exact phrasing, wording, and I will follow them step by step. Well, in this case that didn't work to well for me. As I was sitting here in tears, trying to figure out how to link these blogs (and no one could help) I had to keep clicking on stuff. I finally went back and reread the directions matching a few terms instead of exact terms and the river of tears began to subside. In the end, it actually ended up being way easier than I originally thought (now that it's completed I can laugh, I think).

This whole experience  made me think about the frustration that a student feels when they are trying to use a new technology tool, app, game (silly Flappy Birds, oh wait I digress), iPad, iPod, etc. However, I also know the feeling of accomplishment when the task is completed and you can actually say that YOU figured it out on your own. I have gone from frustration to joy and as my six year old says, "O.K. mommy, Really, it wasn't that serious!"

With that said.......Enjoy the RIDE!!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Because Technology is a MUST!!!!!

What would education in the 21st century be without technology? Without actual experiences, authentic experiences how will our students be prepared to go forth into their future endeavors? Technology is infused into our society on a daily basis in every way from How we wake up in the morning, to how we make our coffee (I have 5 kids, YES I AM A PROUD coffee drinker!!!) To how we listen to music in our car, and communicate with our friends. Technology is all around us. We can ill afford not to equip our students with the experiences they need to be successful in a 21st Century society.

 And with that said......Enjoy the RIDE!!!!