Monday, March 3, 2014

Agree to Terms and Continue!!!!

This week I have been spending a lot of time on the topic of AUPs, Acceptable Use Policies. I can honestly say that if I never see another AUP, it would be too soon. AUPs are policies that are designed by companies to govern the use of their servers and equipment. It's kind of funny to me how things have changed. I remember when my county first got computers and email addresses. We were in total control of our machines we could download great programs from the web and decide what we wanted to use. Here we are 16 years later and AUPs have been created along with the ability to limit how much control we actually have over our machines. Now you have to have an "Admin" password to do almost everything. Whereas this can be quite annoying at times, I do understand the need for such drastic changes.

So with that said.......... 

I present to you the importance of an 

Acceptable Use Policy/AUP!

Throughout my studies this week, I have found several reasons that an AUP is needed. A few include:
  • Provide safety and security for students and teachers
  • Provide guidelines for the usage of the school systems equipment
  • Provide guidelines for the usage of the school systems internet servers
  • Provide guidelines for appropriate behavior while on websites and internet servers.
With all that is occurring in the world today it is important that these policies are in place and thorough given the ramifications that could occur if something horrible was to happen. When we start talking about preparing children for a 21st Century society, we must take into account all that it entails. First up... AUPs! 

The following links will take you to explanations as to why an AUP is needed:

The following links will take you to information on Netiquette and it's importance.

I have included Netiquette on here as well because online manners is just as important as having manners and exercising common courtesy when online. 

How does all of this tie into Blogging within the classroom? Well before you can have a successful online experience, students must be well aware of the expectations and consequences for their actions. Just like we discuss proper audience behavior before we go on a field trip to a play, or proper dining etiquette before we go out to eat, or proper manners when we visit somewhere that deals with sensitive material, we must also have these same conversations with our students about technology. We can ill afford to overlook the importance of policy, procedure, expectations, as well as consequences. This should be the first step to beginning any online activity with any students!

On a side note, as adults when we use the free web services of establishments such as the library, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc. we must be more diligent in reading the AUP before we decide to "Agree to Terms and Continue!!!"

With that said........ Enjoy the RIDE!!!!

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